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Traceability of building waste

The traceability of building waste, the central point of the EPR Building.

The implementation of the traceability of building waste is a central point of the Extended Producer Responsibility of Building Products and Materials.

The traceability of waste is specifically indicated as one of the motivations for the creation of this EPR channel in the text of the AGEC law.


The implementation of traceability meets multiple challenges:

The principle implemented by Valobat will be that 100% of the flows taken in charge by Valobat, whatever the way of taking in charge (financial or operational) will be traced from the upstream to the final outlet of recycling, recovery or elimination.

By "upstream", we mean the points where VALOBAT collects the waste: collection point, building site, building company warehouse where PMCB waste is collected, or a waste manager's collection platform. In the latter two cases, traceability from the initial building site must be implemented in order to ensure that the waste does indeed come from a building site 

Today, the data is not very reliable despite the number of studies carried out prior to the deployment of this sector. As an illustration, on a deposit of approximately 10 million tons of non-hazardous non-inert waste, the prefiguration study of the ADEME indicates that 35% are not known, or even are potentially not with certainty PMCB (e.g.: presence of packaging).

Although the overall national average performance of recycling and recovery by stream was estimated during the prefiguration study, it needs to be documented, specified and validated. Moreover, these performances are not or hardly known today at the regional, territorial or site level. These data could be used to feed the regional observatories.

For the sites concerned, the traceability of the flows since the diagnoses upstream of the realization of work will make it possible to guarantee that all the means were implemented so that the flows sent in recycling do not contain asbestos (either because the building did not contain it, or because the necessary work of asbestos removal took place).

A better knowledge of the quantity, quality and location of flows will facilitate the secure supply of new sorting and recycling facilities.

The implementation of traceability tools will allow the project owner to have visibility on the good management of the waste leaving a building site, whether it is about large building sites (EMAT project) or to a lesser extent of smaller ones (deposit slips at the disposal point).