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A new regulation never arrives without its share of new terms to assimilate. Find out what they mean with our glossary!



State agency for ecological transition, it provides its expertise in many areas including the circular economy

Eco-contribution scale

Amount of the eco-contribution according to the product or the material expressed by unit (ton, m2, m3, linear meter, sales unit...).


Eco-modulation system of the eco-contribution aiming to encourage the marketer to eco-design a PMCB.


Tender Committee.

Preparation center 

Site of preparation of a type of waste (wood, plaster, plastics, ...) allowing then the sending in outlet.

Stakeholder Committee (SC) 

In each eco-organization and in accordance with Article L541-10 of the Environmental Code, the Stakeholder Committee is made up of four colleges corresponding to representatives of producers, waste prevention and management operators, local authorities and representatives of environmental protection and consumer protection associations. It issues opinions and is informed about many aspects of the eco-organization's activity (financial contribution, support scale and eco-modulation proposals, principles of procurement procedures, etc.).

Operational Technical Committee (OTC) 

in each eco-organization and in accordance with the specifications of the PMCB EPR (3.7), it associates representatives of PMCB waste management operators, representatives of professional users of PMCB, representatives of the building deconstruction and demolition sector, representatives of industries that consume raw materials from the recycling of used PMCB, representatives of local authorities and representatives of reuse and recycling actors. It is responsible for ensuring consultation on the technical requirements and standards for waste management, particularly with regard to separate collection standards, including those for joint collection, and for examining waste treatment standards.


Solid Recovered Fuel, fuel made from waste.


Specific diffuse waste (Specific diffuse waste is household waste likely to contain one or more chemical products that may present a significant risk to health and/or the environment)

Directorate General of Risk Prevention (DGPR) 

Within the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the General Directorate for Risk Prevention is responsible for identifying and quantifying all risks in order to implement appropriate prevention policies. In this respect, the DGPR monitors waste prevention and management policies and therefore the Extended Producer Responsibility. General Directorate for Risk Prevention (DGPR) | Ministries Ecology Energy Territories (

Directorate General of Risk Prevention (DGPR) 

Within ADEME, it is responsible for supervising EPR channels and supporting them in achieving the objectives set by the State. These missions are based, on the one hand, on a detailed observation of their operation and, on the other hand, on the measurement of the results achieved in relation to the objectives set in the approval specifications.


Eco-design consists in integrating environmental protection from the design of goods or services. It aims to reduce the environmental impacts of goods or services. It aims to reduce the environmental impacts of products throughout their life cycle: extraction of raw materials, production, distribution, use and end of life. It is characterized by a global vision of these environmental impacts: it is a multi-stage approach (taking into account the various stages of the life cycle) and multi-criteria (taking into account the consumption of materials and energy, discharges into the natural environment, the effects on the climate and biodiversity).


Modulation of the amount of the eco-contribution according to environmental performance criteria, among which the quantity of material used, the incorporation of recycled material, the use of sustainably managed renewable resources, durability, reparability, the possibilities of reuse or reutilization, recyclability, the advertising or promotional purpose of the product, the absence of ecotoxicity and the presence of dangerous substances.


Entity, most often a company under private law, acting on a not-for-profit basis and in the general interest, which has been approved by the public authorities to implement the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility for a given sector.


The concept of social and solidarity economy (SSE) designates a set of enterprises organized in the form of cooperatives, mutuals, associations or foundations, whose internal functioning and activities are based on a principle of solidarity and social utility.


Site of "final" destination of the waste for recycling or recovery or treatment. Example of outlet: particle board manufacturing plant for wood, regeneration site for plastic, plasterboard manufacturing plant for gypsum,...

GDD (waste manager) 

Waste management operator, whether it be for collection or sorting, recycling, recovery or treatment activities.

Reference deposit

Quantity of waste (in mass) of the PMCB category or material stream produced annually that is indicated by the EPR prefiguration study conducted by ADEME.


Common name of the law n° 2020-105 of February 10, 2020 on the fight against waste and the circular economy. The word AGEC stands for Anti-Waste and Circular Economy.

Recycled or secondary raw material

Recycled Raw Materials (RRM) or Secondary Raw Materials (SRM) are materials derived from the recycling of waste and which can be used as a total or partial substitute for virgin raw materials.

MTA Market 

Contract for the collection, sorting and massification of waste from voluntary drop-off points


Manufacturer, distributor or importer subject to the EPR PMCB that must declare its quantities to an approved eco-organization. The term producer is also used to designate the company referred to in article R543-290 of the Environmental Code


Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion.


Organisme Coordonnateur Agréé du Bâtiment.
This is the coordinating eco-organization formed by the approved eco-organizations of the EPR sector in accordance with Articles L. 541-10, R. 541-107 and R. 543-290-12 of the Environmental Code, as well as those of Article 7 of Annex I and the provisions of Annex III to the Order of June 10, 2022 on the specifications for eco-organizations. Its objective is to implement a balancing mechanism that guarantees compliance with the collection obligations for waste from construction sites with regard to the market shares of each of the eco-organizations. In addition, it is deploying an ambitious work program that is essential to the start-up and life of the sector: materials standards, local authority contracts, studies, communication, one-stop shop, etc.


Voluntary drop-off point (public waste collection center, distributor site that takes back PMCB waste, professional waste collection center)



Building products and materials.


Any action, taken before a substance, material or product becomes waste, aimed at reducing all the impacts on the environment of the waste generated and facilitating its subsequent management: reduction of the quantity of waste generated, reduction of its harmfulness or of the content of hazardous substances.


Any operation by which substances, materials or products that are not wastes are reused for the same purpose for which they were originally intended.


Extended Producer Responsibility


Any operation by which substances, materials or products that have become waste are used again.


Public Waste Management Service - this represents the waste managed by the communities (household waste, selective collection, waste disposal, ...)

Collection rate

Quantity of PMCB waste collected and directed to recovery (in t) / Reference deposit for the material category or stream (in t)

Recycling rate

Quantity of PMCB waste entering a recycling facility (in t) / Reference deposit for the material category or stream (in t)

The quantity of waste is measured after having undergone the necessary control, sorting and other preliminary operations necessary to remove the waste that is not covered by the recycling processes.

7-stream sorting

Decree No. 2021-950 of July 16, 2021 on the sorting of waste paper, metal, plastic, glass, textiles, wood, mineral fraction and gypsum frames the rules for sorting this waste. Since July 2016, professionals had the obligation to sort in "5 streams" paper/cardboard, metal, plastic, glass and wood waste, in dedicated containers. With Article 74 of the AGEC Law, it is established a shift to 7 streams including the 5 streams, plaster and fractions. Thus, any producer or holder of waste sets up in its establishments, separate collection systems for this type of waste, adapted to the various activities carried out


Generic term covering, in particular, preparation for reuse, regeneration, recycling, organic recovery or energy recovery of waste

Energy recovery

Use of an energy source (electricity, heat...) resulting from a waste treatment facility with an energy yield higher than a threshold defined at Community level.


Material recovery

A method of treating waste so that it can be reused or recycled.

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